Miho Aikawaは、現在東京近郊を拠点にフォトグラファー として活動中。2009年ニューヨークに移住しSchool of Visual Arts大学院にてMPS Digital Photographyを修士。その後ニューヨークを拠点にフリーランスフォトグラファー として多岐に渡り活躍。12年間のニューヨーク生活を経て2021年、日本に戻り新たな活動をスタートした。
2006年フリーランスフォトグラファーとして活動を開始し、これまでに広告、ドキュメンタリー、ウェディング、アートと多岐に渡る写真部門で賞を受賞。彼女の作品はこれまでに東京都写真美術館、世界銀行東京事務所、大阪市立美術館、コニカミノルタプラザ、Brooklyn Bridge Park、Museum of Art and Design Hamburgなど日本、アメリカ、ドイツ、スイス、ベルギーなど各国で展示され、 また清里フォトミュージアムに写真が収蔵されている。
2014 Photoville FENCE 2014
2012 PDN Top Knots Contest GRAND PRIZE
2009 KMOPA ヤングポートフォリオ 2009
2006 第34回日本広告写真科協会 APA公募展2006 企業・商品広告部門 部門最高賞
2009 「Still Moment」 Kamishima Chinami 青山Showroom
2008 「 The Pearl of Africa − ウガンダ共和国」 コニカミノルタプラザ
2018 "FOOD REVOLUTION 5.0" the Gewerbemuseum Winterthur・スイス、Kunstgewerbemuseum・ドイツ
2017 "Food Revolution" at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, ハンブルク、ドイツ
2014 Photoville The FENCE 2014 at Brooklyn Bridge Park and the Atlanta BeltLine.
2012 “Global Projects: Artists at Home and Abroad“ BROADWAY GALLERY、ニューヨーク
2008 「アフリカのエイズ孤児」NGO PLAS主催写真展 世界銀行 東京事務所・JICA地球広場
2006 第34回APA公募展 大阪市立美術館・東京都写真美術館
2009〜2010 NYのSchool of Visual Arts大学院 MPS Digital Photography修士
2005〜2006 東京写真学園 プロ本科コース卒業
2001〜2005 上智大学文学部新聞学科卒業 交換留学生でUniversity of Miamiにて報道写真を学ぶ
Miho Aikawa is a photographer, currently based in Chiba, Japan. Since her graduation from the 2010 Masters in Digital Photography Program at the School of Visual Arts in NY, she worked as a freelance photographer in a variety of settings in the Big Apple, including portrait, wedding, maternal, and interior photos. In 2021, Miho returned to her native Chiba Prefecture, Japan, after 12 years in NYC.
Miho focuses on shooting each casual ‘moment’ that pass by our daily lives. Through her background in journalism and documentary photography, her photography tells a precious story. Also, she excels in photographing interiors and architectures with a great sense of proportion and composition.
In 2006 Miho became a freelance photographer and have received several awards in different photography fields since. Miho's works have been exhibited at museums and public spaces all around the world, including Japan, USA, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. Her photography is featured in the collections at Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts.
2014 Photoville FENCE 2014
2012 PDN Top Knots Contest GRAND PRIZE
2009 KMOPA Young Portfolio, Japan
2006 Japan Advertising Photographers' Association Competition - The Best Award for Corporate and Commodity Advertisement
[Solo Exhibitions]
2009 “Still Moment”, Solo Exhibition - Kamishima Chinami Aoyama Showroom, Tokyo, Japan
2008 "UGANDA - The Pearl of Africa", Selected Solo Exhibition - Konika Minolta Plaza, Tokyo
[Selected Group Exhibitions]
2018 "FOOD REVOLUTION 5.0" at Gewerbemuseum Winterthur in Switzerland and at Kunstgewerbemuseum in Berlin, Germany
2017 "Food Revolution" at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, in Hamburg, Germany
2014 Photoville The FENCE 2014 at Brooklyn Bridge Park and the Atlanta BeltLine.
2012 “Global Projects: Artists at Home and Abroad“ BROADWAY GALLERY in NY
2008 "African AIDS Orphan” supported by NGO PLAS - The World Bank Tokyo, Japan
2006 Exhibition of Japan Advertising Photographers' Association Competition - Osaka Municipal Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan・Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
[Public Collections]
Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Japan
2009 to 2010 the Masters in Digital Photography program, the School of Visual Arts, New York
2005 to 2006 Tokyo School of Photography, Tokyo - Professional Photography Regular Course
2001 to 2005 Sophia University, Tokyo - Bachelor of Journalism, in Humanities
Selected as an exchange student to University of Miami, and attended Dep. of Visual Communication, School of Communication, UM for one year
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